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How to Make Your Company’s Website Easier to Navigate

For your startup to take off, you need to give your website some attention. It’s essential that your business has a quality website and that it is easily navigated by potential clients and customers. An easily navigated website will improve user experience and the success of your business.

Improve the Menu

The first place to start is with your website menu. This is the central hub for navigation on your website. As you design a website menu, make sure you have the user in mind. Your menu should be quickly and easily located and accessible. One feature that is quite popular and functional is a drop down menu. Using a drop down menu allows you to save space and maintain a simple design while still providing a way for users to locate the information they’re looking for. Another thing to keep in mind is the headings you use. Make sure they are intuitive and not too numerous. Too many headings/sections can be confusing and overwhelming. Overall, your design should be simple.

Clean Up URLs

The URLs for your site are an essential part of navigation. However, they can become messy or problematic if you don’t take time to adjust them. For example, it’s common for URLs to have a generated list of letters and numbers. These URLs can be very difficult for users to follow since they aren’t specific. Long URLs make web pages harder for your visitors to find. To clean up your URLs, make sure you simplify. Your URL should contain important keywords related to the page. You can also build a hierarchy into the URL that shows the user what headings you go through to land on that particular page. It’s also important that you make sure all URLs are consistent, especially if your site has been updated.

Update Search Feature

Sometimes users will have a very specific question or need. Having a functioning search feature allows them to quickly find what they’re looking for. Make sure your search feature allows people to find what they’re looking for, adequate replacements, and any related content. It should do more than just give them results for what they type in. Create a search feature that is mindful of the user.

To increase your business, you need to have a professional site that is accessible to your clientele. Your website should be easy to navigate so users can find the information they need. Take some time to make useful adjustments to your site so your customers can easily find what they need.

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